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Item IDItem DescriptionDescriptionMax TempCapacty/Vol Box#PriceNotes Location
»ºF  »ºK  ºC»cu m  cu ft$
209414 Blue M DCSA-246-ST350-G-HPClass A Volatile Batch Oven31624.00 1 Scotia, New York
203160 Blue M DCSA-256-G-MP550-HPClass A Volatile Oven3165.80 1 Scotia, New York
191726 Capovani Brother Inc YES HMDS Flask ReplacementHMDS Flask Assembly Replacement Yes 3 Yes 5-- New 3 Scotia, New York
90869 Despatch MT300Magnetic Annealing Oven300 1 Scotia, New York
54989 Despatch VRF1-90-1EClass A Volatile Oven2608.60 1 F* Scotia, New York
218860 Fisher Scientific 637DIncubator-3.8 Cubic Feet303.80 1 Scotia, New York
208706 MANNCORP MC-301NSolder Reflow Oven -- Benchtop 1 Scotia, New York
218866 Thermo Scientific 3140CO2 Incubator506.50 1 Scotia, New York
119513 YES YES 3 DryerVacuum Bake Oven1501.10 1 Scotia, New York
213468 YES YES 310HMDS Vapor Prime & Image Reversal275 1 Scotia, New York
153582 YES YES 6Polyimide Bake Oven/Vacuum Cure Oven 2752.63 1 Scotia, New York
181538 YES YES-450PB8-2P-FRPolyimide Bake Oven/Vacuum Cure Oven450 1 Scotia, New York
11557 YES YES-6112RVacuum Bake/Vapor Prime2003.50 1 Scotia, New York
159899 YES YES-6PBAKE DRYER OVEN2752.60 1 Scotia, New York
208389 Yield Engineerng Sys LP III M5HMDS Vapor Prime Oven250 1 Scotia, New York
225615 Yield Engineerng Sys LPIII-M5Drying Oven2502.37 1 Scotia, New York

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Other Ovens:
Blue M, Capovani Brother Inc, Despatch, Fisher Scientific, MANNCORP, Thermo Scientific, Yield Engineering Systems